Back in 1998 what first started for Mr Adrian Lim as a volunteer tutor to his neighbour’s children ignited a passion in him; a passion to teach and witness young lives being transformed and it has not stopped since. Much as they want to do well academically, he discovers that students generally do not receive adequate attention during lessons in school.

In his years of teaching, he has heard countless feedback from both parents and students – that is to say – teachers were compelled to rush through the syllabus due to a commitment on administration duties. They are also unable to slow down the pace of the learning process for weaker students in a classroom environment. Weaker students have to grapple with new concepts amidst confusion, thus deepening their dislikes for the subjects.

He decided to help underachievers gain confidence and mastery in weaker subjects.

ADcellence is thus established to provide the best group tuition in Hougang and Sengkang.

While private tuition can be said to be expensive, primary group tuition in Singapore is affordable and allows you to connect with more people from different parts of the globe.

Delivering the best group tuition classes, you will be exposed to connecting with other bright minds and teachers; thus making the subject comprehensible. The group tuition in Singapore offers the platform for several other students to interactively engage with one another, asking useful questions that you may not have thought of, thus challenging you to be a better student. We fully recommend primary tuition classes in Singapore for students who desire more time to digest classroom subjects and those who want to study at the right pace while staying academically motivated.

Get the best group tuition in a very conducive learning environment and enjoy the best of peer-to-peer learning!

We provide MasterClass tutorial for that unfair advantage over your peers!

Mdm Liza (Alisha – Primary 5, East View Primary School) Year 2016

“Teacher Adrian is very professional and upholds positive ethics which I do not come across from previously hired tutors. He does not cancel lessons at whim or late for lessons. Out of concern, he would provide extra lessons to boost her confidence during examination period.  His unique teaching methods made learning easier and interactive. He also walked the extra mile to collate important notes and prepare mock tests which he finds it beneficial for her learning. Throughout this period, they have built a strong bond and deep understanding. Alisha has grown more confident and went on to winning awards in a Mathematics competition.”

Mdm Liza

Mdm Jenny Chua (Jowie Loh – Primary 5, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Primary) Year 2017

Mr Adrian Lim is our home tutor for my three children. He started teaching my eldest son from Primary 3 in 2004 till my youngest daughter now in Primary 5. Adrian is dedicated, reliable and resourceful. He is always there to help solve and guide my children with their homework. I am really grateful to have such a patient tutor all these years.

Mdm Jenny Chua

Mdm Julie Tay (Jayden Cheow – Primary 2, Nan Hua Primary School) Year 2022

“Being from a family who primarily conversed in English, Jayden had difficulty understanding, conversing and remembering Chinese words. We had tried group tuition, but the tutor feedback that Jayden was not able to catch up and suggested that he repeated N2 (he was in K1 then). Teacher Adrian has been tutoring Jayden in Higher Chinese Language since 2021, when Jayden was in Primary 1. Teacher Adrian's lessons are interactive and effective.  In this short period of time, he managed to develop Jayden into someone more confident in conversing in Mandarin despite still speaking English with us and his classmates.
Jayden is now in Primary 2 and his HCL teacher shared that he is above average as compared to the rest of his peers. More importantly, it shows in Jayden's results - from 55% to 80% for his test.
Thank You, Teacher Adrian!”

Mdm Julie Tay

Mdm Carol Wong (Reuben Tan – Primary 6, De La Salle School) Year 2016

“Reuben was underachieving the desired result, and this was especially a big concern when he sat for his PSLE in 2016. As what any anxious parents would do when their child needs academic help, I turned to Adrian for his tutoring service. Knowing that we are racing against time, Adrian spared no effort in going through the Mathematics and Science syllabus right up from the topics covered in the lower primary levels. His time management and conscientious effort in preparing my son made us felt relieved. He always made sure concepts and methods are well understood before proceeding on to other areas. His unique teaching method made learning easier and interactive. He also provided important notes of his own and prepare test papers which he finds it beneficial to his learning. Teacher Adrian also instilled in him the positive mindset and learning habits which will set him in good stead when he goes on to higher learning. His vast experience and helpful nature will be a great help and reach out to underachievers.”

Mdm Carol Wong

Mdm Juliet Tseng (Hao Wen – Primary 4, Naval Base Primary School) Year 2024

My son started out not liking or interested in Chinese and coupled with his dyslexia, it wasn’t his favourite subject. However, after Adrian started tutoring him, his Chinese has improved. He is able to read most words without much help and can even respond in Mandarin when we speak to him.
I would definitely recommend ADcellence as Adrian tried to understand our needs and not just blindly give tuition just because parents deem the child needs it.  Thank you, Adrian!

Mdm Juliet Tseng

Mdm Cherie Lim (Cavan Lee – Primary 5, Maris Stella High School (Primary) Year 2024
(Candice Lee – Secondary 2, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) Year 2024

“Adrian’s passion for Mathematics is contagious and has made learning it truly enjoyable”. His way of explaining complex topics is clear, concise, and engaging. My son who has short attention span stayed so focused throughout his lesson.  He finds him engaging and fun and is always looking forward to the next lesson.  Blessed to have found Adrian AT LAST after many attempts of changing tutors and disappointments.  Having said that, please keep some slots for both of my kids.

Mdm Cherie Lim

Mr Sebastian Lim (Celest Lim – Primary 6, East View Primary School) Year 2016

“After understanding that Celest has a weaker understanding in Mathematics, Teacher Adrian was patient towards her and went through the steps with her till she grasped the concept. His unique teaching method made learning easier and interactive. He also walked the extra mile to collate important notes and prepare test papers which he finds it beneficial to her learning. He has proven to be a lifeline when she scored an “A” for Mathematics in the PSLE! The methods taught also had a solid foundation when she went on to secondary levels. I believe that his vast experience and helpful nature will be a great help and reach out to underachievers.”

Mr Sebastian

Mdm Yvonne Lauw (Jensen Huang – Primary 6, Bukit Timah Primary School) Year 2022

“The reason why I put my son for tuition was because his grades kept falling down. So, I asked my friend for recommendation, and she gave me Mr. Adrian's whatsapp number. During this pandemic he still continues his tuition with zoom. Now, my son's grade has improved a lot. He even got Good Progress Award when he was P5 and became Top 3 in his class. Starting this year, I added one more subject, so now he has 2 subjects tuition with Mr. Adrian. Both of the subjects have improvement at SA1. He is also willing to help my son with his homework out of his tuition time.

Thank you to Mr. Adrian who has been teaching my son well.”

Mdm Yvonne Lauw 

Mr Andrew Aw (Joshua Aw – Primary 6, Pathlight School) Year 2017

“Joshua finds Teacher Adrian’s teaching enjoyable.  Teacher Adrian always offers clear, understandable and concise explanations to him which helps Joshua to learn concepts easily.  Teacher displays excellent grasp of concepts for Science and Mathematics.  In addition, Teacher Adrian has a very broad vocabulary bank, and he is very eloquent. There are a few qualities about Teacher Adrian that are really outstanding.  Teacher Adrian is firm and disciplined when it comes to teaching.  He has very high expectations for Joshua’s studies, and thus drives Joshua to be diligent in his work.  Furthermore, we appreciate that he cares for Joshua’s learnings.”

Mr Andrew Aw